Thursday, August 24, 2023


9:39 p.m.

24/8/2023, Thursday


   A Place to Call Home  

You’ve made a home

for all these butterflies

In my heart.

They’ve carefully woven their cocoons in

Every nook and cranny of my soul.

And with your every word, every action

More and more of those tender butterflies

Entangle themselves

In my heart, my lungs.

Choking me, making me gasp for air.

And soon enough, they strain against

The bars of their cage, longing to be set free.

And finally, cracks appear in my bones.

A final strain, and they burst through,

Finally free.

Exploding like fireworks in front of me,

Constellations in my eyes.

And your love

Heals all the cracks

In my being and bones-

Seeping through them

And patching them together.

And now, I finally feel free

And complete under

The blissful spell of love –

For you, my dear,

Have made me whole.


Tuesday, August 22, 2023


 10:18 a.m.

23/8/2023, Wednesday


In my mind’s house

You came along

And settled in.

You filled it up

With all your belongings-

The potted blooms of love,

The picture frames of memories,

And fairy lights of countless smiles.

And now, you’ve made

This house of mine




8:33 a.m.

 23/8/2023, Wednesday



Last night I dreamt

Of you and your warmth

That engulfed me.

A utopia so blissful

I clung to the last

Wisps of that heaven

And in my waking moments

Chased after that warmth

That felt so real, tangible.

And as I opened my eyes

I found that I

was reaching out towards

my window –

I reached out

To the sunlight.



11:48 a.m.

22/8/2023, Thursday


Looking in your eyes

Makes me see stars.

I’ve fallen in  love with you,

And this love of ours.

Your eyes pierce my heart;

Feels like they see right through me.

And i’m afraid they’ll see

All my lies and flaws and insecurities.

And i know you say you love me,

You won’t hate me, you’ll love me forever.

But  I’m afraid it’ll all end

And  you’ll find someone better.

You promise me your heart

But I’ve seen one too many broken.

And mine flees, for it hates being hurt-

But you and your love still have me roped in.


Friday, August 11, 2023



11/8/2023, Friday
i saw you this afternoon gazing out the window
the sun giving your features that perfect golden glow
i smiled and said hi; you returned it
and oh, right then I loved you so

when we parted ways after blissful minutes galore
where each moment felt like infinity and yet i wanted more
you turned back the same time as i
and oh, right then I loved you even more

when i bid you goodbye as I left
and you said you didn't want to let me go just yet
you drove an axe through the crack in my heart
and oh, right then the love i felt for you i could never forget

when you kept my heart safe as though it were treasure
and told me no matter what we'd always be together
and that your love for me would never falter
and oh, right then i knew I'd love you forever



11:12 p.m. 25/08/2024, Sunday - there's a pretty dress I've been eyeing. but it's got a shiny price tag, and for this, i rue. I ...