Saturday, December 24, 2022


25/12/2022, Sunday
I jogged through the woods as I always did
every morning at dawn. The first newborn rays of sunlight filtered through the scattered canopy above. The dried autumnal leaves, a thick carpet of light brown resting on the earth crunched with every step of mine. I took a different path this time. I was curious- I wanted to explore the place. I saw a silhouette in the distance. Apprehensive yet drawn to it, I slowly trudged forward, treading the earth carefully lest I attract it's attention. It was right then, that I saw you in all of your ethereal glory. The delicate morning shine covered your glowing skin in a golden sheen. Your hands gently caressed your hair, slowly making their way down from the top, deftly moving through the luscious locks. Dewdrops hung from the tips of your lashes, highlighting the russet
shade of your eyes. I looked into your eyes, positively captivated by the way they reflected the sunlight. You looked like the very image of the fae from legends untold, an existence so ethereal yet lonesome. Your very presence felt otherworldly. I had never felt anything like this before. I was awestruck. I stood there, paralyzed with utter fascination and admiration. maybe something else too, but I couldn't tell. I felt as though I was in a haze, unable to break away. My thoughts fogged up, and I couldn't think of anything but you and your glossy lips. They seemed rather delicate, just like the rest of you. But they had a fullness to them. They reminded me of plump and ripe apples, fresh from the seasonal harvest. They seemed so very soft. They made me feel unknown
emotions. I fear the unknown, and yet you make me want to explore it. My dreams are filled with the sight of you. Every waking thought of mine consists of you. You're always there as an undertone in every fibre of my thoughts and being. My heart, mind, and body long for you. I crave your touch and presence. I long for those slender yet firm fingers to card through my hair, as I lie in your embrace. The mere thought of you sends my heart into an erratic frenzy. It feels as though my soul shall be at rest only when I have the pleasure of having you wrap your arms around me, whispering sweet nothings into my ears with those kissable lips of yours. Only then shall I be at peace. I cannot live without you a moment longer. I must have you. I need you. My heart shall certainly make its way to you, no matter what. This is my promise to you, the angelic being I encountered one fine autumn morning. Remember me, for I will remember and return for you always.

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11:12 p.m. 25/08/2024, Sunday - there's a pretty dress I've been eyeing. but it's got a shiny price tag, and for this, i rue. I ...